
Todd has been making wine with varying amounts of success since 1998! It started out rough, in his dad’s basement back in the mid-90’s. Around the turn of the century, he apprenticed with a local winemaker for a few seasons before going pro with his first official Moonstone Cellars vintage in 2003.

His enthusiasm for wine shines through with each vintage, so come check us out!

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Boss of Bubbly.

Kendra drinks bubbly. She has no time for wine!

Seriously though…if Kendra is drinking from a wine glass, chances are it’s a Champagne-like beverage.

She’s married to a winemaker, but doesn’t drink wine…?!

Who does that?!

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Hater of Bitter Wines.

Nate likes to drink wine with his pug, and sometimes even with his wife…!

He does many things around Moonstone Cellars, but mostly enjoys a big glass of red wine at pretty much any time of the day.


Pour Decision Maker.

Andy likes to drink wine! He has a Camelbak that holds up to three bottles of wine!

He also does things around here, but always in shorts. Andy might be allergic to long-pants. We’re not entirely sure. All we know is that weather does not matter. It’s always shorts.


Michael moonlights here a few days a week. The rest of the time you can find him at his art gallery in Los Osos, or possibly taking photographs around the world (he’s a pro).

David is elusive.

He’s technically retired, so he’s here Thursdays, and fills in when he can.