August 17, 2022

Tonight’s Theme: Dog Days Of Summer


Andy Pickar

“Coming of Age in the Swimming Pool”

Andy shares a series of memories from childhood while in the swimming pool and in a lake where he has coming of age moments. 


Oz Barron

“Sawyer the Wolf Boy”

Oz and Kris are regular walkers in the park.  Everyone has a dog, except Oz and Kris.  As can happen in a dog park, Oz and Kris become friends with a couple with a beautiful long-haired German Shepherd dog.  The couples quickly become friends and all share a love for Sawyer affectionately known as the Wolf Boy.  Oz tells a touch story of friendship and dogs.


Beverly Foster

“Beer Nuts”

Beverly joins us for the first time and tells a terrifically good story about her childhood tribe riding bikes, playing outside, and watching television late into the evening.  When Beverly was 12 or so, the families go camping at Lake Isabella to beat the summer Bakersfield heat.  One evening while playing Black Jack around the campfire without money, they use Beer Nuts as betting chips.  The Beer Nuts also taste good . Until they don’t.


Kim Miller

"High Dive”

Kim is 11 years old, living in Iowa and loves to swim in the neighbor swimming pool during the summer.   That summer Kim becomes a competent swimming, and is granted permission to swim in the deep end.  Trying to follow the lead of her older brother, Kim tries to be brave and challenges herself to dive off the high dive.  Finally, on the last day of summer, Kim musters all her courage to take the plunge.   Kim learns some good lessons that have lasted her a lifetime.


Todd Clift

"Smelly Dog Days of Summer"

Todd and Kendra are enjoying a beautiful summer evening in the hot tub in the backyard when their dear dog, Sophie, a German Husky mix, takes note of  small shadowy creature creeping along the fence line.   One moment Sophie starts to chase the creature, and the next Sophie lets out a yelp and comes running toward Todd smelling rather fragrant. Chaos ensues … and therein lies the tale of a smelly dog day of summer.


Avery Cooper

"Avery the Trash Man"

Young Avery is enjoying his summer break from college painting curbs for a city near the beach.   One hot, summer afternoon, Avery and his work buddies are given the option to goof off…but with clear instructions not to go to the beach.  What do they do? Oh, you know! Avery is singled out for a special work assignment.